Email Customer Support Outsource

Email Customer Support Outsource. Without the right tools and workforce for communication, business can lose valuable customers and important business relationships. To prevent such losses, it’s important for companies to have the necessary coverage to stay in the game. For instance, businesses must make sure that their email services are up to date because email remains as one of the most valuable communication technologies in the business world.

Despite the significance of email, many businesses continue to have inefficient email answering services. Often, this is caused by having one’s in-house email services overburdened by a growing volume of emails from customers. To reduce expenditures and to deal with any current technical or manpower-related challenges, you have the option of outsourcing your company’s electronic mail services. This means partnering with third-party companies like ours for your emailing needs.

Email Customer Support Outsource:

Reduced and controlled expenses

Maintaining an internal email platform and a team to handle it internally can cost a lot. Consider outsourcing your email services to lessen your expenditures. You’ll spend less on hardware, software, applications, storage assets, and data center infrastructure because third-party email service providers already have them. An in-house email service takes considerable money and time before you can launch it to full operations.

Before deployment, you’ll need to install and test the infrastructure as well as hire or train specialized staff. By turning to outsourcing, the service commencement phase can become faster. Plus, all the necessary equipment and people needed for the system will already be provided.

Higher uptime and availability

Greater availability can only benefit your business when it comes to customer service. Having 24/7 email services increases customer satisfaction and retention. In contrast, if your emails services are constantly unavailable, it could lead to delayed responses to inquiries and other customer concerns. As we all know, people dislike waiting, and more so if their message is urgent. This can result in your clients becoming displeased with your business.

More time to focus on your core competencies

While email services are important, they are unlikely to be the main focus of your business. When you handle such services internally, you’ll need a hardworking staff to keep the system running like clockwork. However, hiring and training new workers to manage your growing email needs requires time and resources. Conversely, assigning customer service-related email tasks to your regular employees can keep them from performing their primary job functions. This is where we step in to solve this challenge by outsourcing your email services. With this burden off your shoulders, you and your staff will then have more time to focus on the core aspects of your business.

Saving important data from your e-mails and providing reports daily.

Replying to all incoming e-mails on your behalf.

Forward emails to different departments and Escalate requests.

Schedule Calls and organise meetings on your behalf.

Create Help Desk Tickets

24/7 Email monitoring and Response

Incoming Email Solutions

On average it takes about 17 hrs. to respond to a customer’s email. For less than $5 per hour, Customer Umbrella reduces hours to minutes. Happy customers = better business!

Reach out today.